AI-Powered Sales Plays

Optimize your commercial solution

Begin with your best sales play, then optimize your value proposition, product configuration, pricing and terms with the help of human collaboration and AI predictions.

  • Solution catalog for your sales plays
  • Guided discovery & AI-powered requirements synthesis
  • Rules-based product and term configuration
  • AI-powered pricing recommendations
Digital Sales Rooms

Your most compelling value proposition

Instantly merge products, pricing, and terms with sales content and media, and securely deliver to stakeholders digitally. Monitor engagement with real-time feeds.

  • Multiple proposal templates, no typing required
  • Tailored, AI-generated value propositions
  • Drag-and-drop content and media library
  • Branded digital sales rooms with magic link invites
  • Track shares, views, feedback with AI-powered metrics
Real-time Customer Collaboration

Reduce negotiation cycles and react instantly

Negotiate in the cloud with stakeholders across the buying center. For once, technology won’t limit your creativity and will save you time.

  • Term-specific feedback and counterproposals
  • AI-powered stakeholder sentiment analysis
  • Integrated term and clause library
  • Pre-approved fallback positions
  • Effortless versioning and redlining
Automated approval workflows

Speedier, transparent approvals through relevant analytics

Know who needs to approve, with the requirements, probability and turnaround time every time you make a change to a deal.

  • Term and quote-specific approval workflows
  • AI-powered automated decisioning and probabilities
  • Approver inbox with tailored analytics
  • Fine-grained permissions, thresholds & requirements
  • Managed queues for deal desk, legal and other support teams
Transforming Sales Materials to a Sales Platform

DealCraft Solution Modeling Technology

Gather your most successful proposals, your standard agreements, your pricing worksheets, your best media, and your approval rules. DealCraft will transform them into a scalable application, including sales UX, microsites, workflows, data models and analytics - all without a single line of code.

  • End-to-end no-code model and UI set-up
  • Instant piping to analytics and machine learning
  • Rich content management and branding
  • Robust expression-based rules
  • Comprehensive event monitoring

Ready to Learn More?

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